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AIOC2022-IC263-When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Dr Himanshu R Mehta
AIOC2022-IC518-Understanding the dynamics of iris in phacoemulsification surgery Dr Rohit Om Parkash
AIOC2022-IC531-Ocular Malignancies- Never Miss to DetectDr Fairooz PM
AIOC2022-GP86-Challenged to the Limits Dr Minu MathenVSDr Matthew Kurian
AIOC2022-GP90-Magic of SICS by ISMSICS 1
MYOSIG Surgical Webinar Series 2 - Vitreoretina
AIOC2022-GP98-Magic of SICS by ISMSICS 2
Dr Rajib Mukhrjee
AIOC2018 - IC022 - Topic - Fluidics, Viscomydriasis & Non device options - Dr.Arup Chakrabarti
Dropped nucleus operated with Infinity machine only (No vitrectomy machine)
Vitrectomy for nucleus drop with Iris claw lens.